Having arrived safely in Bristol, Jim Hawkins is tasked with the delivery of a letter to Mr. John Silver, the man Squire Trelawney has hired on to be ship’s cook. Download the MP3 file of this chapter here.
Leaving the mock turtle to his lamentations, Alice follows the gryphon back to the court of the King and Queen of Hearts where a trial is about to begin. It would seem the Knave of Hearts has been accused of stealing the Queen’s tarts! Download the MP3 file of this […]
Young Jim Hawkins leaves his mother and everything he’s known in his young life behind to travel to Bristol and meet with Squire Trelawney and Doctor Livesey. Download the MP3 file of this chapter here.
The Turtle continues to tell Alice the sad tales of his life, but things only seem to get more bizarre as the tale expands. Download the MP3 file of this chapter here.
After the shocking events at the inn, Jim joins Mr. Dance and his men so that he may take the packet he found in the Captain’s sea-chest to Dr. Livesey for inspection. Download the MP3 file of this chapter here.
Having suggested to the Queen that the Duchess be fetched from the dungeons, Alice finds herself party to more uncomfortable conversations and various other threats of beheading until, finally, the Queen tires of the croquet and guides Alice off to meet someone. Download the MP3 file of this chapter here.
Having hidden his mother as well as he could in the darkness, Jim creeps back to the inn and manages to find a hiding place just before the first of the pirates came running up the road to the inn door. Download the MP3 file of this chapter here.
Alice finally finds her way into the lovely garden, only to find herself faced with the oddest royal court one might ever encounter and a vicious queen who solves all problems and disagreements by way of beheading. Download the MP3 file of this chapter here.
The Captain’s sudden, shocking death and fearful for their lives in light of recent events, both Jim and his mother race to the hamlet in search of help. However, their neighbors turn out to be more cowardly than they anticipated. Download the MP3 file of this chapter here.
Following the Cheshire Cat’s directions, Alice sets out to find the March Hare and soon finds herself involved the oddest tea party she’s ever attended in her whole life. Download the MP3 file of this chapter here.